Join us sundays at 10,


women bannerOur Life Groups meet in homes throughout the week. These open groups help us to connect with people outside of the traditional Sunday worship setting. It's a place to grow deeper in the Word together, hold each other accountable, and to grow in love for one another and God's Word. We "meet weekly, party monthly, and serve quarterly". Each week, we have a meal together, discuss sermon-based application questions, and pray for one another. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, please contact


We also have groups that meet on Sunday morning at 9am. Sunday school is available for all ages. God has graciuosly lead gifted teachers and leaders who work hard to help kids, students, and adults grow in their knowledge of God and the gospel. Currently we have classes for babies, 3-5 year olds, K-2nd grade, 3-5 grade, 6-12 grade, and multiple adult classes. If you'd like to know more, send an email to


Disicpleship Groups are gender-specific, closed groups made up of 3-5 believers for accelerated spiritual transformation. They exist to help foster intimate friendships, mutual accountability, and a life deeply rooted in the Word of God. These groups form through pre-existing relationships with other believers through environments like Sunday School or Life Groups. 

If you have 2-4 friends in mind, and would like to start a Discipleship Group, send an email to and we'll be happy to give you the resources you need to launch and lead a thriving Disicpeship Group. We want to give you what you need to remove the intimidation of leading a group like this and help others grow in their walk with Jesus.