What are our Core Values?
1. Gathered Worship: We value worshiping together as the gathered church every Sunday morning. God meets with us when we gather together. And we celebrate the ordinary means of grace He's given to us: singing, reading scripture, celebrating the Lord's Table, and praying together.
2. Deepening Relationships: We want to be intentional in deepening gospel-fueled, meaningful relationships with one another and those around us. We believe that true Christian growth stems from accountability, deep trust, and encouragement with one another.
3. Mutual Encouragement: 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." Christian fellowship is naturally edifying. Life is hard and we need encouragement from one another as we face daily challenges, fight sin, and maintain hope in our great Savior.
4. Individual and Corporate Prayer: Prayer is a great gift that God has given us to know him and grow as His children. Part of growing in mercy is praying to God without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We pray by rejoicing in God, praising Him, repenting of our sins, and praying for one another. We value doing together as a part of our worship gathering, and individually, as Matthew 6 puts it, "behind closed doors" (Matthew 6:5).
5. Strong Families: We value all families from all walks of life and want to help them grow in Jesus. We want to encourage parents to lead their children to know and love Jesus. We want to equip married couples to be a living picture of the gospel (Ephesians 5). We want to encourage single parents, grandparents, foster families, adoptive familes- all families, however they may look, are welcomed here.
6. Life-On-Life Discipleship: We cannot overstate the importance of people investing in other people with God's Word. Discipleship takes time. It's messy. But the best way for people to grow in Christ is by one person helping another person see Jesus in the Scriptures.